Inventory Troubleshooting

Occasionally, Infoplus Users may encounter challenges with their inventory. Use this guide to walk through common issues with step-by-step instructions.

Inventory (items/SKUs) connect to many other important features within Infoplus, such as locations, picking, fulfillment, shipping, etc. So, if there is a problem with your inventory, it can cause a halt to production in multiple areas of your operations. This article will lay out some common issues related to inventory and step-by-step instructions for how to troubleshoot the issue to find the root issue. 

How to Use This Guide

Below, you will find multiple different scenarios that could potentially cause issues for inventory in Infoplus. You can use the table of contents below to quickly navigate to the exact question you are interested in. Each issue has multiple troubleshooting steps to help you independently get to the bottom of the issue you are experiencing and solve it so you can move forward with your operations. 

Table of Contents: 

  1. Why is my item showing an “Unavailable” quantity?
  2. Why is my item showing an “Unallocatable” quantity?
  3. Why won't my SKU / item allocate?
  4. What can I do if I misspelled my SKU?
  5. Inventory quantity for one or more SKUs is wrong, How can I fix this?

Why is my item showing an “Unavailable” quantity?

  1. Check the “Locations” tab of your item; if the “Inventory Status” is Frozen, the quantity in that location is marked unavailable. You can use the Mobile Floor App “Change Inventory Status” to change the status of the item in this location to “Available” if desired.
  2. Check the “Receipts” tab of your item; if any of the item receipts have a “Frozen” status, the quantity of the item in that receipt is marked unavailable.
  3. Navigate into the Item Receipt records of the item; if any are “partially received” or have not been committed yet, this inventory is unavailable. Receive the rest of the inventory on the associated ASN or commit the item receipt using the “Commit Item Receipt” action to make this quantity available if desired.
  4. On the Item Receipts of the item, check the “Distribution Date.” If this date is set in the future, this inventory is marked “Unavailable” until that date. You can edit this date by editing the item receipt.

Why is my item showing an “Unallocatable” quantity?

  1. Check the “Locations” tab of the item and navigate to these records. If any of these locations' “Online” status is “False,” the inventory in this location is considered unallocatable. If you want this inventory to be allocatable, edit the location to set the “Online” status to “True,” or relocate the inventory to an online location.
  2. Check the “Behavior Type” of these locations; if any are “LPN” or “Non-Pickable,” the inventory is considered unallocatable. If you want this inventory to be allocatable, edit the location to change the behavior type or relocate the inventory to a different location.

Why won't my SKU / item allocate?

  1. Do you have inventory for the item, this can be found by looking at the SKU on the Item table and seeing a value larger than 0 where “On Hand Qty” is listed.
  2. Is the location of where the SKU is located offline?
  3. Is the SKU status set to Active?
  4. Is there a distribution date set up on the Item Receipt for the SKU
  5. Have you checked the fulfillment process log to see if the system said anything specific about the order?

What can I do if I misspelled my SKU?

  1. Infoplus does not allow the renaming of SKUs to avoid errors. What can be done is duplicate the SKU to retain the info, then from that give it the correct name. 
  2. Afterward, you can delete the old SKU.

Inventory quantity for one or more SKUs is wrong, How can I fix this?

  1. Note the necessary SKU(s) that have the inventory imbalance.
  2. Login to the Infoplus production site, and press "."(period)
  3. Type "Validate Inventory Integrity" into the Quick Action tool.
  4. Using the SKU search option, type a single SKU in the "Equals" blank.
    1. For multiple SKUs, click the "Advanced" tab and select the "Include Only" radio button
    2. Select "Edit", then "Bulk Add". Type or copy and paste the targeted SKUs that need corrected.
    3. Select the correct delimiter and click "OK". Confirm that the SKUs look correct and click "OK". (in most cases the default will work unless there are spaces in the SKU. Doing a return or enter key will separate the SKUs)
    4. At the bottom of the search tool, click "Update"
  5. To the far left of each SKU is a "Check Box", select the SKUs that you want to update inventory imbalance and click "Next"
  6. In the Validation Inventory Integrity review screen, select 1 of the 3 options to process the inventory correction process and click "Submit"