Infoplus Product Update: Scan Items to Find Orders in the Pack and Ship Apps

You can now scan SKUs, UPCs, or custom fields from your Item table in addition to order numbers and LPNs when packing and shipping orders in the Infoplus Mobile Floor apps.
Scan-SKU - What Does it Do?
The Infoplus Mobile Floor Apps now will let you scan a SKU or other customizable barcode fields to identify orders, pack orders, and ship orders.
The scan-SKU feature needs to be enabled in order to work in the modern mobile app. Take a look at our Warehouse Table Knowledge Base article to see instructions on how to enable this feature.
When you have scan-SKU enabled, the Pack and Ship stations will add an extra step that requires you to select which order you want to move forward with. In the below image, we scanned the SKU ‘BASIC1’, which met the criteria for two processed orders.
You can continue to scan additional SKUs, order numbers, LPNs or other order identifiers and Infoplus will narrow your search down to include those parameters.
The Scan-SKU feature increases your options for customization to run your warehouse as efficiently and effectively as possible. This update also moves towards a paperless fulfillment process, meaning less mistakes and less waste.
Warehouse Table Updates
In the warehouse table, we have added some new tabs to the bottom section.
- Pack Station Criteria
- Ship Station Criteria
- Item Barcode Fields
The Pack Station Criteria and Ship Station Criteria in Infoplus have been retired and moved to live within the Warehouse table settings. You can access these settings when editing a warehouse.
Note: In order to scan a SKU in the modern mobile apps, the order needs to be in the “processed” status.
To learn more about how to set up and best utilize the scan-SKU feature, take a look at the Knowledge Base article, which will take you step-by-step through setting up and utilizing this new update.
Full Changelog
This is a complete list of all the items the Infoplus development team has built and enhanced since our last update:
- IPDESK-3560 - Updated Receiving mobile app to give more clear messaging if unsupported characters are entered as input
- IPDESK-3589 - Corrected issue on Item Activity table, where partial data from inaccessible LOB’s could be visible to users
- IPDESK-3588 - Fix issue with sequence numbers being incorrect on 3PL Billing Worksheets
- IPDESK-3539 - Improved performance and added new script functions for loading large data sets, in 3PL billing scripts
- IPDESK-3595 - Corrected generation of two-page shipping labels for some USPS activity
- IPDESK-3594 - Fixed issue with ‘Receipt Receive Quantity’ charge-by in 3PL Billing Rules
- IPDESK-3593 - Added functions for EDI scripts to remove segments from outbound documents
- IPDESK-3580 - Corrected issues where cancelling an order would not cause update-trigger actions to run against it.
- IPDESK-3564 - Updated woo-commerce shipping cart connection to use LOB-specific API keys
- IPDESK-3602 - Added Item Activity table to beta API
- IPDESK-3591 - Corrected intermittent errors updating some fields on items prior to fulfillment (e.g., estimated weight)
- IPDESK-3566 - Fixed issue shipping non-casebreak portions of orders with some casebreak items
- IPDESK-3600 - Corrected issue where processed orders that had been rate shopped, then had carriers manually edited, would loose the updated carrier
- IPDESK-3581 - Updated pick-to-cart to respect scan-location-for-item-without-barcode setting.
- IPDESK-3565 - Fixed intermittent issue where Receiving mobile floor app could cause inventory discrepancy.
- IPDESK-3611 - Fixed issue in mobile floor apps with smart documents that had special characters in their names
- IPDESK-3597 - Updated item receipt to allow updating cost fields via API
- IPDESK-3592 - Fixed issue with unshipping orders shipped as External Shipments
- IPDESK-3579 - Corrected errors user may receive bulk-editing packing slip templates based on special characters in logo file names
- IPDESK-3571 - Eliminated intermittent situation where Jobs could get stuck in “started” status.
Recently Added or Updated Knowledge Base Articles
We are always working to ensure our Knowledge Base is as up-to-date and accurate as possible. Here are some of the most recently updated or added Knowledge Base articles that you might find helpful.