Product Update: Expiration Dates, UOM Updates, and More

Our latest update provides a number of requested features that we’re excited about introducing!
Added Support for Expiration Dates
Users can now record product expiration dates when creating ASN’s and receiving inventory in Infoplus. Expiration dates can then be used to control the order in which product is allocated to fulfill orders. On the item receipts table, item receipts are now shown with the expiration date, if applicable. Users can also search for order lines by the expiration date of the product that was allocated to fulfill the order.
Units of Measure (UOM) Added to Work Tickets and Warehouse Apps
All work tickets now support and show quantities broken down by our our new units of measure. That is, a breakdown of the number of pallets, cases, inner packs, and loose units that the ticket pertains to. The beta warehouse applications also allow quick entry of quantities by UOM, to remove manual calculations from your operations, and increase accuracy of inventory management functions.
Faster Shipping of Mass Distributions
An improvement was made to the new mass distribution feature that we rolled out last fall, to optimize the shipping of orders in a mass distribution, by removing the weight check for these orders when they are scanned at the ship station. A client we were beta testing this feature with was able to get over 3,000 orders out the door using this feature - about 9 times their normal daily volume!
Sprint 84 Changelog:
IPWMS-9096: Update Shopify to send tracking company info
IPWMS-9089: Fix Mass Distribution batch bug
IPWMS-8947: Update Quick-Adjustments to let you use a 'delta' instead of an absolute value
IPDESK-1670: PO Numbers now available as variables in email templates
IPDESK-1659: Pulling previously shipped orders from BigCommerce reverted status to 'Awaiting Shipment'
IPDESK-1578: Added logs for orders that come back with future ship dates
IPDESK-1483: 654 - sequence numbers
IPWMS-8915: Added support for FEFO allocation
IPWMS-8904: Units of Measurement update
IPWMS-9034: Mass Distribution improvements
Additional KB Articles:
Mass Distribution
Serial Numbers In Infoplus