Product Update: External Shipping System Integrations, Add Cartons to Shipped Orders, and Get Started Module

External Shipping System Integrations
Infoplus now has the ability to be connected with an External Shipping System. This means Infoplus can be used for your Orders, Inventory, and Warehouse management, while optionally managing your Shipping outside of Infoplus.
Orders are pushed from Infoplus to the External Shipping System. After shipping Orders through that system, the Parcel Shipment information is then pulled back into Infoplus.
The first external shipping partner integrated with Infoplus is ShipStation. Look for more options to be added in the future.
- The new External Shipping System table allows you to define and manage the Shipping Systems that connect with Infoplus.
- There are three new Processes on the Order table for interacting with External Shipping Systems:
- Send Order to External Shipping System
- Remove Order from External Shipping System
- Pull Shipments from External Shipping System
Related Knowledge Base article:
Add Cartons to Shipped Orders
Infoplus now allows you to add a Carton to an Order that is already shipped.
- Useful for the scenario where Shipping an Order has been completed in Infoplus, and it’s later discovered another Carton needs to be added to that Order.
- Using a new process on the Order table, enter the Carton weight and dimensions.
- Infoplus will produce a new a Parcel Label and Shipment Record, and will update the total weight and freight costs on the Order.
Related Knowledge Base article:
Get Started Module
The Get Started module is a step-by-step guide for getting up and running in Infoplus using your Test and Live Sites.
- Use the module to navigate directly to the location in Infoplus where each step can be practiced in your Test Site and finalized in your Live Site.
- Navigate to related Knowledge Base articles to help guide the process.
- The module will be enabled by default for new client sites, but anyone can turn it on by visiting their Profile page.
- Also added is a friendly reminder in the form of a yellow strip at the top of your Infoplus Test Site to help clearly differentiate it from the Live Site.
The Infoplus Knowledge Base has great information related to getting started with Infoplus:
Changelog: Release 46
- IPWMS-5661 Create Support for External Ship Stations, initially ShipStation, within Infoplus Fulfillment
- IPWMS-5658 Create ability to add a carton to a shipped order
- IPWMS-5443 Create Get Started module
- IPWMS-4552 Test Site: Obvious Visual Separation
- IPWMS-5527 Adjust how orders are sorted on Work Tickets and Pick Lists
- IPWMS-5556 Duplicate cartons being added in shipping station, causing orders not to ship
- IPWMS-5602 Update running Fulfillment Processes to properly catch failed allocation sub-process
- IPWMS-5703 Allocation priority issue around receipts with Void Dates
- IPWMS-5784 Make custom table queries function as expected when missing rows in join-tables