Product Update: Control and Flexibility in Order Fulfillment, Shopping Cart Order Importing, and More.

This week's release is focused on giving you more control, data, and flexility when setting up and running Order Fulfillment plans. In addition Infoplus has added additional tools to the Shopping Cart Connections to make order importing and recovery quicker and more accurate.
More control over your order fulfillment
Infoplus has updated the order fulfillment process, so that users now have control over how Orders are sorted throughout a Process. The sort that was used on the Orders table will control how orders are sorted as they are processed. This will also control how the documents associated with the process are printed.
For example, you can now sort your orders in a process by the number of line items, the estimated weight, the destination zip code, the order date, or any other attribute on the order table. This will allow greater organization and better workflow in your warehouse processes.
More flexibility in importing Shopping Cart Orders
The process for manually importing orders from your Shopping Cart Connections has been updated so that users can now now import orders by the order ids from the shopping cart. You can either supply a list of specific ids, or a range of ids. This should allow much easier order imports and faster resolution of order import issues.
IPWMS-9395: Expose days on-hand inventory at warehouse level in the Item table so it can be queried and reported on
IPWMS-9302: Update order & shipment confirmation emails to allow a script to add additional data to context
IPWMS-9206: Update fulfillment processes to respect order input sort order
IPWMS-9200: Update OAG to include first and last ship dates from an order
IPWMS-9115: Fixed Pick to Cart bug if not scanning item
IPWMS-9024: Allow user to enter Prod Lot on ASN (rather than only at receiving)
IPWMS-7359: Update SCC manual import order process to allow users to specify order no/id range as alternative to date range
IPDESK-1786: Fixed bug where fulfillment pick work executed in Find Work app does not track the user who performed the work
IPDESK-1782: Bug fix attempting to create orders through API, zip code as integer without leading 0 causing false-errors
IPDESK-1781: Fixed bug for days-on-hand per warehouse showing all 0’s
IPDESK-1779: Fixed bug UOM cutoff on Fulfillment pick tickets