Product Update: Pick to Cart and Packing Station Beta, Order Invoices, SKU Flexibility, Shopping Cart Logs

Pick to Cart and Packing Station Beta
A new picking methodology has been added to Infoplus: Pick to Cart (by Order). Using this methodology, you can scan items for a batch of orders into LPN’s on a picking cart, laid out by order. If you’re configured to scan items, this adds an additional layer of quality control to your picking process.
The Pick to Cart workflow can then be followed up by scanning items into their outbound cartons using the new Packing Station Warehouse App. An order number or LPN (from the pick cart) is scanned, then items are scanned as they’re packed into cartons. This provides a greater level of quality control in your packing process, and also gives you carton-level ASN data for sending to customers or integration partners.
Both of these apps are available as part of the new Infoplus Warehouse Apps currently in beta.

We have heard your feedback, and have also done some upgrades to the user experience in these apps. The input box and buttons have been moved to the top of the screen where you primarily interact with the app. The degree of details provided in the context section further down on the screen will continue to be fine tuned for the best user experience.
The ergonomics of how these apps focus on the input box have also been improved. This lets you scan a value without having to click or tap the input box to give it focus. You can also scan a barcode to trigger additional actions on the screens without having to put down your scanner and grab a mouse, or tap a button on your mobile device.
Related Knowledge Base articles:
Order Invoices
We have heard from many of you that the Packing Slip does not provide enough detail, such as on how much your client paid for their order. So a new document has been added to Infoplus: Order Invoices.
The Order Invoice shows your customer their Order and how much they paid for it, not necessarily what shipped (think about substitutions, on-demand kits, backorders). So, while Packing Slips are all about what’s being shipped at the per-carton level, an Order Invoice is only at the Order level. It can include all of the dollar amounts associated with your Order.
Order Invoice Templates in Infoplus are highly customizable, similar to our Packing Slip Templates. You can have several Invoice Templates, and tie them to individual Orders, or to Order Sources using the new Order Invoice Templates table. When you run a Fulfillment Process, you can choose whether you want to generate Invoices for your Orders at the time the process runs, later at the packing station, or not at all.
All of our Shopping Cart Connections have also been updated to push pricing data from the cart into your Order in Infoplus, which allows these values to appear on your Order Invoice.
Related Knowledge Base articles:
SKU Flexibility
A number of new possibilities have been introduced for what field you prefer to display as your SKU, or what to scan to identify your items in the new Warehouse Apps, including the ability to set a custom field.
For some of you, the UPC code is how you identify all of your items: it’s what the workers on your warehouse floor need to see when they’re doing picks. For others, it may be something completely different. Maybe you have 3 different barcodes on an item, and you want to be able to scan any of them on the floor. That’s also now an option.
Here are the new possibilities:
- The new “Warehouse Display Field” on the Item table in Infoplus lets you specify what value to display on all warehouse documents (such as work tickets, pick lists, and order assembly guides) and in the new Warehouse Apps.
- Pick Scan Schemes now allow you to add additional fields that can be scanned to identify an Item in addition to the Item’s “Barcode Field”.
- Packing Slip Templates and the new Order Invoice Templates allow you to add up to 10 fields to be displayed in the Description column of your customer-facing documents.
And for all of the points mentioned above, you can choose any of your custom fields from the Item Table as well.
Related Knowledge Base articles:
- Create / Edit Items
- Create a Pick Scan Scheme
- Create and Preview a Packing Slip Template
- Create and Preview an Order Invoice Template
- View Sample Pick Documents
Shopping Cart Logs
You’ve connected your Magento store or ChannelAdvisor account to Infoplus. How do you know it’s working? This quesiton promopted us to create yet another useful log table to Infoplus: the Shopping Cart Connection Log. Using this table, you can see the many different types of activities that are happening with all of your Shopping Cart Connections.
See this screen cap for a list:
Related Knowledge Base articles:
Changelog: Release 50
- IPWMS-5432 - Add Pick to Cart (by Order) Picking Rule and related Warehouse Apps
- IPWMS-6142 - Create an Order Invoice Template
- IPWMS-6140 - Create Shopping Cart Connection Log table
- IPWMS-6130 - Modifications to Packing Slip Template (additional fields for Description)
- IPWMS-6135 - Support scanning any "SKU" on an item in Fulfillment Pick
- IPWMS-6136 - Clients customize item SKU field to appear on warehouse docs and apps
- IPWMS-6141 - Warehosue Apps update to support scanning to press buttons
- IPWMS-6129 - Preview Packing Slip Template process breaks when the logo image file name has spaces