Product Update: Scan to Verify, Return Label Weight Overrides, and More.

This week’s release is focused on enhancements to warehouse picking operations and returns management along with speed and bug fixes. Read more below to learn how to configure picking to be more efficient for Each Pick / Scan options, custom created return labels and other enhancements.
Picking / Scan To Verify now supports Unit of Measure Picking
A new option is available in Infoplus to allow you to configure how you want to scan items in the Fulfillment Pick warehouse operations app. The new field, called Scan To Verify, is found on the Pick Scan Scheme table. If you set Scan To Verify to ‘Item’, then you will only be prompted to scan the item one time, and to key in the quantity being picked. This new option is meant to help you when your pick quantities are large, and it's impractical to scan the full quantity being picked (ex: picking a case of pencils, or a pallet of mugs).
Return Labels - Support for Custom / Overridden Weights
The process to create a return label for an order has been updated. Now you can choose to use the original outbound order's weight as the weight on the return label, or enter an override weight. If your customer is returning only a portion of their order, you can get a return label with a weight that's correct for the items they are returning.
IPDESK-2148: Corrected issue where dynamic kit definitions were not being deleted for line items removed from orders
IPDESK-2154: You can now control your Order and Shipment confirmation emails to go to the Bill-to email address, Ship-to email address, or both. To adjust this behavior, edit your Email Template record, and change the values in the "Send to Bill to" and "Send to Ship to" fields
IPDESK-2161: Fixed a bug in order edit
IPDESK-2163: Fixed editing ‘Authorized By’, ‘Division’, and ‘Cost Center’ fields on Orders (for the case when the order did not previously have one of those three values)
IPDESK-2164: Fixed order bulk edit process where certain fields were not enabled (Order Source, Third Party Parcel Account, email/warehouse document templates)
IPDESK-2168: Updated Canada Post parcel labels to optionally produce 4x6 instead of full-page