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    June 9, 2017

    Product Update: Smart Documents, Commercial Invoices, and 3PL Billing Milestone

    Smart Documents

    Another new Building Block has been added to Infoplus in this release.  You can now define custom Smart Document templates, which allow you to use your data in Infoplus to generate custom document layouts that you control.  

    For example, you may generate a customized shipping document to attach to your orders, or custom labels to apply to your parcels, or paperwork for part of your receiving process. Smart Documents work even better when they’re combined with other other Infoplus Building Blocks, such as Triggers, Scripts and Custom Fields.

    Talk to our support team or your account manager today to learn more.  

    Commercial Invoices

    When you’re shipping internationally in Infoplus, we will now automatically generate a Commercial Invoice for your shipment. This PDF will be attached to both your Shipment records and your Order, and it can be easily printed from the Ship Station beta app from the new Documents popup.

    3PL Billing

    The new Infoplus 3PL Billing module has hit a new milestone in our most recent release. The 3PL Billing Setup app is now ready for you to use to setup your Customer Invoice Templates and customized Billing Rules.  You can read about the 3PL Billing module in our Knowledge Base.  Contact Infoplus support or your account manager to help you get started setting up your 3PL Billing today.  

    Bonus Update: Manually Push Shipments to Shopping Carts

    A final change to announce in this release is a new action available from the Orders table - the ability to manually push an Order’s shipping information to the Shopping Cart that the Order came from.  You can use this action if there was a problem communicating with the cart, or any time you need to manually get an order updated in your cart.  To use this feature, just choose Push Shopping Cart Order Updates from the Actions menu on the Orders table.  

    Changelog: Releases 65 & 66

    • IPWMS-3833 - Add the ability for a support user to masquerade as another user
    • IPWMS-7324 - Clients can get bad javascript files cached, making infoplus fail to load
    • IPWMS-7330 - Unable to produce international UPS label for Canadian address due to missing province error
    • IPWMS-7417 - Ensure Packing Station can be used without pick-to-cart
    • IPWMS-6652 - Ability to Assign Component SKU's to a KIT via API
    • IPWMS-6956 - ASN created from 'Execute Transfer' process does not have a dist date or due date
    • IPWMS-7119 - Make Item Receipt custom fields flow through ASN & Receiving
    • IPWMS-6466 - Add process to allow users to push shipment advice for order to shopping cart
    • IPWMS-6983 - Complete basic ability to generate Invoice Worksheet for 3PL Billing module
    • IPWMS-7222 - Update support for EasyPost Commercial Invoices

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