Product Update: Bug Fixes, Cross-Docking, Over-picking for Jobs, and More.

This week's release is all about bug fixes and speed. Over the last 4 weeks the engineering teams have been laser focused on fixing the top 20 bugs reported over the last six months. Check out the bug list below. Bonus, enhancement for Interactive Receiving and getting more information needed for your cross-dock operations.
Enhancement: Backorder Demand Exposed for Items Received in Interactive Receiving
In an effort to make receiving seamless and intuitive, you now can see if a backorder demand exists for a product, to avoid putting that quantity away, using the Mobile Floor Apps Receiving App. Line items being received will now display the quantity currently needed to fulfill any open demand that exceeds the current quantity on hand. This will enable you to stage the items for fulfillment rather than putting them away in a pick location, reducing effort within the warehouse.
Return unused inventory after overpicking in Jobs
Overpicking can happen, and we wanted to make it easier for you to return those overpicks to unused inventory. After an overpick is performed in Infoplus, a work ticket is automatically created to put back the product after all assembly work is completed. Once assembly is completed, you can go back into the Find Work app and reselect the same batch the fulfillment process was done on. Infoplus will then walk you through the Overpick Putback Process, and prompt you for location/quantity amounts until the full amount of the overpick is returned. This activity is then reflected in the Item Activity table.
IPWMS-9792 Created Performance Optimizations in Magento Inventory Sync
IPWMS-9751 Added Ability to do all Query Operations on Item Full Description and Category Fields
IPWMS-9724 Implemented Support for Shopify GDPR-Mandated Redact Webhooks
IPWMS-9719 Developed Support for New Carriers: Purolator, Canada Post
IPWMS-9215 Updated Queries that Use Custom Fields
IPDESK-2036 Fixed Open PO Quantity Calculation
IPDESK-2033 Added Ability to Search by Gift Message on Orders
IPDESK-2025 Updated Menu in Phone Size Screen (no longer cuts off text)
IPDESK-2018 Corrected Error Message when Attempting Return Label for International Shipments
IPDESK-2017 Added Vendor as a Field in 3PL Billing Item Receipt Activity Table
IPDESK-2016 Updated Ability to do Barcodes for Perpetual Inventory Log
IPDESK-2015 Added Advanced Filter Options for Alcohol Type in Item table
IPDESK-2014 Added Audit Stating when a Record is Created as a Duplicate from another
IPDESK-2008 Updated Ability to Create Order from Shopping Cart with Multiple Line Items
IPDESK-2006 Updated Mass Distribution Process (does not void parcel labels when re-running pick-pack-ship)
IPDESK-2003 Updated Case Break Parcel Labels in the Parcel Labels file in the Fulfillment Process
IPDESK-2002 Corrected Error Message when Saving Smart Filters
IPDESK-2001 Corrected Error Message when using Invalid Decimal Values for Cartons Table
IPDESK-1994 Corrected Error Message while Importing Magento Orders if SKU Isn't Found (when configured to import all items)
IPDESK-1972 Corrected Error Message in Bulk Load (if multiple matching values are found)