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    July 8, 2022

    Infoplus Product Update - July 8, 2022

    The Headlines:

    Infoplus released a product update last night. The highlights of this release are multiple bug fixes throughout the application, a new connection for Commodity Codes to the Infoplus API, and a new carrier. Don’t forget that API V3 is now available for all Infoplus users! Continue reading to learn more about these updates and how they impact Infoplus users. 

    • Bug Fix: ASN - Unreceiving Transfer Receipts
    • Bug Fix: Perpetual Inventory Log Inaccuracies with KODs
    • New Feature: Commodity Codes Table Exposed to the Infoplus API
    • New Carrier: FedEx Cross Border

    Bug Fix: ASN-T Un-Receiving Receipts

    A bug was reported that caused users not to be able to unreceive an item receipt if it was an ASN-T (transfer). Infoplus would throw an error message stating: ‘This item receipt cannot be unreceived because it has not been received’. 

    Infoplus did not recognize that there were items associated with the ASN-T receipt, causing it to assume there were no items to un-receive. 

    To fix this, developers pointed the un-receive action to the Adjustment History table to determine the quantity to be un-received from these types of receipts. Users will now be able to un-receive an item receipt for ASN-Ts.

    Bug Fix: Perpetual Inventory Log Inaccuracies with KODs

    Orders involving KOD (kits on demand) were not properly syncing with the Perpetual Inventory Log, which could cause inaccuracies related to inventory. 

    Going forward verification checks will continually occur to ensure KOD orders, ASNs and Item Receipts are correctly synced with the Perpetual Inventory Log table so that the inventory and information on this table is up-to-date, consistently accurate, and matches the information shown on the Item table.

    New Feature: Commodity Codes Table Exposed to the Infoplus API

    Commodity Codes are now accessible via the Infoplus API. This means Infoplus users can now utilize Commodity Codes in Smart Documents or in API queries. 

    For more information about using the Commodity Codes with the Infoplus API, please refer to our API Documentation here.

    New Carrier: FedEx Cross Border

    Infoplus recently added a new carrier, FedEx Cross Border. Users can request access to this carrier at any time by submitting a support ticket. FedEx Cross Border specializes in international shipping. 

    There are some unique features users should be aware of when using FedEx Cross Borders in tandem with Infoplus. Please refer to this Knowledge Base article to understand the limitations and unique features of FedEx Cross Borders. 

    For more information on FedEx Cross Borders and how to use this carrier or get it set up for your site, please visit this Knowledge Base article.

    New and Updated Knowledge Base Articles

    We are always updating, editing, and adding new Knowledge Base articles to better address common questions and scenarios our clients bring to us. Check out these recently new or updated articles for insight into best practices within Infoplus:

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