FAQ/Error Messages for Items

If you encounter an error with Items in Infoplus, start with this guide for frequently asked questions and common error messages related to Items.

How to Use This Guide

Step 1: This article has two separate sections (FAQs and Error Messages). Click on one of the links below to jump directly to either section's table of contents: 

  • FAQs → Questions asked frequently about Items with answers from our trained support agents
  • Error Messages → Common error messages you might encounter with your Items in Infoplus and how to fix them

    Step 2: Click on any link in either Table of Contents to quickly move directly to the question or error you are trying to solve.

    TIP: Use the Command + F keys to do a quick search of this page to see if your question or error message is listed below. 

    If you do not see your question or error message, please feel free to reach out to Infoplus Support and we can add it to this page. 

    FAQ Table of Contents: 

    How do Substitutions Work in Infoplus?

    If you want a different item to get delivered to your customer when they place an order for Item A, then you can set up a substitution, either temporarily or permanently. 

    The item you use to substitute item A needs to already exist in Infoplus before setting up the substitution on the Substitution Table. 

    Notes About Substitutions: 

      • When you set up a substitution for an order, the available quantity for the substitution item is added to the Inventory Terms you will see on the original SKU (Item A), such as Orderable Quantity, Open PO Quantity, Total Demand, In Fulfillment Process Quantity, etc. 
      • If you create a substitution on an item that is already currently on order, that order's fulfillability details will not be updated. However, you will still be able to run the order through fulfillment successfully.
      • Learn about how to set up an Item Substitution here

    What is the Item Category and Item SubCategory?

    In the Catalog tab on the Item Details, there is Item Category and Item SubCategory. 

    Item Category - An identifier for grouping and sorting items in a catalog (e.g. Apparel, Electronics, Steaks, etc.)

    Item Sub Category - An additional category identifier to use for grouping and sorting items in a catalog (e.g. Women's Apparel, Men's Apparel, Filet Mignon, etc.)

    Learn about how to set up Item Categories and SubCategories here. 

    What is Item Mixing?

    Item Mixing can be found in the ‘Operations’ tab within the Item record on the Item table. 

    Item Mixing controls how items are stored in your warehouse.

    For more information on Item Mixing and the different options, check out this overview. 

    Single: This item must be stored as the only item in a location. It cannot mix with other items. 

    Multi: This item can be stored with multiple items, meaning it can mix with other items. NOTE: The location where you want to allow item mixing must have the "Allow Item Mixing" field set to True. 

    What is Lot Mixing?

    Lot Mixing Rules use the attributes of an item to control how it can be mixed in a Location (e.g. items in a location all have to have come from the same production lot, items in a location have to have the same SKU but can have different inventory properties). 

    You can set Lot Mixing rules when you set up each individual Item under the Operations Tab. There are three options:

    • Item Receipt: All inventory in a location must have come from the same Item Receipt/Purchase Order (PO) number. This is the most strict Lot Mixing Rule.
      • This is the only way to guarantee FIFO or LIFO
    • Inventory Properties: All inventory in a location must have the same “attributes” on their POs (e.g. Production Lot, Revision Date, Packaging configuration, etc.); but different PO numbers may be mixed in a location. 
    • SKU: All inventory in a location must have the same SKU, but any and all variations of PO Numbers and Inventory Properties are allowed to mix. This is the loosest Lot Mixing Rule.

    What is a Forward Location?

    Forward locations are locations where you want your inventory to ultimately be picked from & replenished to. These are locations that will see the most traffic vs Standard locations that hold excess inventory & might be better suited for bulk orders or full pallets.

    What is the Difference Between Strict and Weak Allocation?

    The Allocation Rule controls how Infoplus chooses where to allocate inventory from when fulfilling orders. 

    You can set up Allocation Rules on the Item Details Page under the Operations Tab, there are three options: 

    • Strict: Always allocate from the oldest available PO lot first (requires selection of Item Receipt as the Lot Mixing Rule).
    • Weak: Allocate from the oldest available PO lot first, but allow PO lots to be mixed in Forward Locations (allows you to select different Lot Mixing Rules for Forward Locations).
    • Labor Optimized: Allocate from the optimal location for minimizing labor (allows a wider selection of Lot Mixing Rules). 

    Error Message Table of Contents: 

    Error: When you try to relocate an item but it has a single mixing rule and you move it to a location where there is a different SKU that also has a single mixing rule 

    What it Means: These two items are not allowed to live in the same location at the same time. 

    How to Fix It: Remember, you can go from Strict to Loose, but you cannot go from Loose to Strict for an Item.  

    Once you’ve received something, you can’t change the lot mixing or item mixing rules.

    Use location inquiry or the location table to look up empty locations. You could also set up a metric on your dashboard/wallboard to take note of and display any currently empty locations so you can easily see what is available.

    Error: When trying to bulk load Items: “A major group must be given for an Item”

    What it Means: Major Group and Minor Group categories are missing from your Item upload

    How to Fix It: Item Categories and Item SubCategories are referred to as Major Group and Sub Group when uploading Items via API or as a Bulk Load. This can cause confusion when uploading new items because the mapping isn’t set up to reflect that these two names reflect the same thing.