How Infoplus Works with Backorders

In this article, we will discuss the process and options available in the Backorder feature.

Before getting too far into understanding backorders, there first needs to be a mention of a few terms that are discussed in other places within this Knowledge Base.

Ship Complete:

On the "Order" table, there is a setting called "Ship Complete" in the Handling section

"Ship Complete" = TRUE

This allows shipping to hold an order until all the items on the order have been received by the shipping warehouse.

"Ship Complete" = False

This setting will not hold orders but will allow fulfillment to process them. The order will be shipped "Partial" and the order status set to "Complete".

Warning: This could cause Items on the order to be removed if inventory is not available.

How to Work with Backorders.

Item Backorder:

On the "Item" table, there is a setting under the Purchasing tab called “Backorder”

"Item Backorder" = Yes

Infoplus is allowed to put an item on backorder. This will generate a new order with the attachment ".001" to the original order number. Once a stock item has been received, fulfillment can be run to complete the order. 

"Best Practice" is to set this to YES unless the customer prefers to ship "Partial" and NOT backorder.

"Item Backorder" = NO

Infoplus will remove any out-of-stock lines from the order and NOT put the order on backorder.

Backorder Consolidator Script:

Backorder Consolidator Script: Out of the box, Infoplus will create a unique back order for every line item that cannot ship. However, with the Backorder Consolidator Script, Infoplus can take multiple backorders and consolidate them into one single backorder.

For example, if order 1.000 has 5 items, and 3 of them don’t have enough inventory, Infoplus will create three backorders 1.001, 1.002, and 1.003. We do this so that when the missing items are received, Infoplus automatically releases the order back to an "On Order" status.

If the Backorder Consolidator script is running, then the back-ordered lines from 1.001, 1.002, and 1.003 will all be listed on backorder 1.001.

For more information on Backorder Consolidator Script: Click Here

To see How to Release Orders from Backorder Status: Click Here

Special Note:

1. Orders will only go into a “backorder” status if a user attempts to run fulfillment and nothing on the order can ship. In that scenario, the entire order will go into “backorder” status. Anything "On Order" with a fulfillability status of “Not Fulfillable” will fail to backorder. However, If it’s fulfillable or partial, then the order will remain “On Order”.

2. Setting "Backorder" = YES can conflict with the “Order Property Override” that is set for Backorders. A Client can choose to have an Order go into a “Back Order” status if there isn’t stock for 1 or more line items (after they run fulfillment) or they can choose to have that Order remain “On Order” and avoid hitting that “Backorder” status.

Other available options for setting up Backorders

Use the Order Property Override Table 

There is a setting called ‘Ship Complete’ in Infoplus that dictates whether or not an order can be partially shipped (eg: one or more of the items put on backorder). This setting can be managed by Line of Business or by Order Source via the Order Property Override table. Here is how to set that up: (Fulfillment > Ship Complete Failures > Remain On Order). 

  • Step 1: Navigate to the Order Property Override table
  • Step 2: Click Create New
  • Step 3. Select “Fulfillment > Ship Complete Failures > Remain On Order”
  • Step 4: Select True or False for Override Value
      • If set to True, when there is an order where all items are not available, the order will remain in the "On Order" status. The order cannot be fulfilled until all items are ready. 
      • If set to False, orders that do not have all items currently available will fulfill the items that are available and move the unavailable items to the "Backorder" status if the item backorder setting is set to Yes.
  • Note: This property will only be respected at the account-level. If you create an Override for an LOB or Order Source, it will be ignored.
  • Note: If Backorder is set to “No” on the item level, setting this to False will not work and no backorders will be made. 
  • Step 5: Click Save and test

Note: By default, there will be a new backorder for each line item within an order that was unavailable at the time the order was placed. 

Use a script and a trigger to mark orders/items with certain traits as Ship Complete True or False

The last option is a fully customizable way to ensure backorders are created in Infoplus. If you are looking for more ways to customize when an item or an order is or is not placed on backorder, you can create a script. 

Through the API -- if you drop in orders through the API, you can use this field to set Ship Complete to True or False. 

Here is an example of the lines of code you will need to add to set Ship Complete to True or False: 

// update this order marking as ship-complete (via holdCode=Y)

order.holdCode = "Y";

utils.log("Marking order as Ship Complete / Hold Code = Y");

infoplusApi.update("order", order);

Click Here for more info on Setting Ship Complete to True or False via a script.